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|VRay displacement+VRay proxy and what´s saying the memory?|

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  • |VRay displacement+VRay proxy and what´s saying the memory?|

    Hello all,

    I´d like to ask, if does work V-Ray displacement with V-Ray proxy meshes? I have a problem with it. When I had prepare something (wall etc.) to be ready to convert it to the V-Ray proxy (all modifiers, mapping, V-Ray displacement) and when it turns to V-Ray proxy it happend, that the displacement doesn´t work on it. Why? Do i something wrong?

    The big problem is, when i have use the V-Ray displacement on walls, grounds (grass...) it´s crashes VIZ because of memory problem. The geometry isn´t so heavy (like onyx trees), but it allways crashes with displacement on it. I´m going mad. It seems, that it is really high memory-consuming process. Is there any solution? But it works on resolutions below 1000x600 pix, but my desired resolution is up 2900x1600 or something like that. I love in using of displacement, beause it´s really nice method. So.

    My soft and hard:
    -VIZ2007 SP1, latest V-Ray RC3
    -win XP pro 64bit
    Athlon64 X2 4600+, 4GB RAM, SATA II disks, Quadro FX560, all latest drivers...

    Thank you for reply,
    sad peter

    I forgot to say, that i´m using 3d V-Ray displacement.

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  • #2
    no i don't think displacement works on VrayProxies.

    I read from throb and Greg3D that you have to bake it into the proxy mesh, althopugh i'm not 100% sure how to do this with VrayDisplacement because i thought it was something done at rendertime...

    From the glorious blackbird saab commercial thread:
    We used Vray proxy's for the trees that were hand placed onto the displaced snow terrain. Each Tree was on average 275,000 polygons. They had to be so dense because Vray Proxy objects do not displace at render time, so we I had to bake in the displacement.


    • #3
      Thanks SV for reply. But, i have no idea how to bake the displacement into proxy mesh. It crossed my mind that i could put only standard max displace modifier into geometry and then turn it into proxy mesh, but i didn´t that yet. So, i will try it.

      But, all the time i torment by crashing VIZ while it run out of memory because of V-Ray displacement. Such a great modifer...

      Best regards,

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      • #4
        Yep - thats the one - you'll probably need to put a turbosmooth or tesselate modifier on to the model first to ramp up the poly count though.


        • #5
          The Vray displacement, while being rendetime only and dynamic (BSP wise), can and indeed does crash max /viz on 32 bit systems.
          Make absolutely sure the settings you use are the ROUGHEST possible you need to achieve a given effect, so that you'll get the benefits without the memory impact.


